5 Things you DON’T Want to Miss in Your Next Office Space

Making the choice to move to a new office space isn’t a decision made lightly.

With many things to consider before making the move, it’s not always just about a cheap office space to rent.

Recognizing what are the amenities needed in an office space that’s best suited for yourself, your employees, and overall a space for your company to excel is imperative.

An office relocation is difficult and that’s why below we’ve listed what we think are some key features in what to look for before moving to a new office.


The Location is a Key Element

The location of the business centre is a key element when deciding on your next office space.

It’s important to consider how the office location will correlate with business, as the location lays the path of where future meetings will be conducted; question yourself with how accessible it is for clients and staff, if there are other companies around? What are the amenities only provided in this location? Is the space flexible enough to withstand the growth and vital changes your company may experience in coming months?

These are important factors that will be deciding factors in how your company’s received when clients come into your new office.

At SOHO Malta, we’ve realized these influences and have implemented them into our business model. We’ve located our office buildings in the central areas of Malta where business is booming. This allows our members the access of flexibility and movement to each of these growing centres.

See our office locations here: https://sohomalta.com/locations/

Is the Building Empty?

Often overlooked but should always be considered, are there any people in the office building you’re viewing?

Maybe the tour is going well, but so far you haven’t seen any kind of personal interaction; this is always a red flag.

Ask yourself, why is such a great space sitting empty? Maybe it’s full, but there’s no sense of community – these are things to avoid when finding an office space your employees and company can thrive in.

Without a sense of interaction, a space quickly becomes cold and unwelcoming. This is certainly not a space you want to bring prospective clients.

Meeting Room Space

The size and number of meeting rooms a location has compared to the size of the office community is a great weight to consider before signing any contracts.

Often companies don’t realize the need for meeting space until put on the spot, and there’s no meeting rooms available. Understanding the frequency of how much your company will need access to a private space to interact with clients is imperative when going on viewings, as you will be prepared in looking for a key amenity your company requires.

With a multi-location aspect in SOHO, if one of our locations is booked through the day, we offer the choice of using any of our other business centres to carry out the meetings. With various modern boardroom designs, and a sound proofed Skype/Podcast room, take comfort in knowing there is always an alternative ready whenever needed.

Check out our variety of meeting room spaces here https://sohomalta.com/meeting-rooms/

The Sense of Community

Something not always initially considered when moving to a new office is the sense of community felt in the business centre.

It’s comforting to feel like you’re part of a connected group in the workplace, outside of the individual office space. We believe community is one of the most important aspects of what makes an office space work. At SOHO, we’ve implemented regular ‘SOHO Fridays’ and other events to keep the members of our community connected.

We trust the importance of a community feel that isn’t just operated through the working day, by holding regular events we encourage our members to connect and grow in a space that isn’t always work-based.

How Fast are you Growing?

A company’s growth is usually almost always uncertain, as development can happen immediately at any given time.

Considering this element, it’s imperative to choose a space that accommodates uncertain growth.

Unfortunately, this is quite hard to find.

Either the office is a huge space for a long contract period; or, signing a contract within one space and having to uproot again to accommodate this growth once it eventually happens.

Our SOHO team quickly realized this trend that was occurring without any middle ground, so we created one.

Creating a flexible contract solution for our clients is a driving force in the foundation of SOHO, we understand the stress that already comes when moving office spaces, so we want our members to have one less thing to worry about.

By creating a solution that allows location change and room to change office size, we want to provide a space that is stress-free and makes our members feel supported.

In Conclusion

Overall, moving to a new office space for your company can be a challenge.

There are many things to contemplate when looking for serviced office space, but each company knows best what the individual needs are when looking to rent an office.

Always important to take into account are the location of the office building, the community feel, and the opportunity for growth when seeking a new space; these are often the determining amenities for companies and their future clients moving forward.

Are you looking for a new office space? We can help you. Contact us or book a tour: https://sohomalta.com/book-a-tour/

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