
CityFALCON’s ‘Show me the Value’ MeetUp Series

Who is CityFALCON?

CityFALCON provides traders, investors, and individuals seeking to track quality financial information with a platform hosting personalized financial news and content. By using text and language software, they provide their users a unique experience with filtered content for you.

Founded on July 1st, 2014 by Ruzbeh Bacha, CityFALCON wants individuals to starting thinking about their financial freedom, investing, and saving.

Why attend the Meetup?

Are you interested in the world of finance? If yes, then this is the Meetup for you! Each Show me the Value event features insight from inside the finance sector, and what it means to invest in ones financial freedom. While also discussing current events and its effects in the finance industry, this interactive event will awaken questions and curiosity on all things finance.

CityFALCON will be providing drinks and snacks for the networking event, kicking off at 6:30 pm.

Find our SOHO Savoy Gardens business centre here:

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